Written by a Royal Arch Mason
When talk turns to religion I have notions of my own, have my own version of the Bible, and things I think alone.
And I found them satisfying, find them comforting to me, though I wouldn’t lose my temper if you choose to disagree.
For religion as I see it, is a pathway to the goal, and its something to be settled between each man and his soul.
Now I’m not a Roman Catholic, but I wouldn’t go so far as to fling away the friendship of the ones that are.
I’ve lived and neighbored with them, come to love them through and through.  I’ve respect and admiration for the kindly things they do.
I’ve known Methodist, Baptist, Lutherans, Scientists and Jews, whose friendships is a treasure that I wouldn’t want to lose.
So when the bigots talk religion I just settle back and see every helpful loyal friend each Church has given me.

         This was written by a Royal Arch Mason in 1962                                                   the author unknown

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